Wondering to know how to Stop Thinking about someone you
Love? Here are 10 tips that will help you to Overcome.
And at some times, its worse to make yourself to stop
thinking of someone when you know it’s not going to work out. I agree it’s
difficult to overcome but I assure its possible 100%.
I was been in a happy relationship and it ended in a bad way,
I was left behind in bad memories then I realized and with my personal
experience, I have learned few things that helped me from thinking about that
person - we can overcome from anything. Nothing is Impossible. I will share
some tips which made me to stop thinking about her.
Here are the 10 Easy tips that will help you and motivate
for stop thinking about them.
Yourself the Truth: The truth may hurt but that will realize the importance,
it’s better to left behind from them, then to carry a fake relationship. The
truth will make you see the future and clarity to face the reality.
2. Don’t Pretend: Pretending as if you don’t miss will make
you think more about them, I suggest avoiding them and looking for a better
person, as replacement. There are more
good peoples around us.
3. Parents: The one who loves you with no greedy. The one
who left everything just for giving time for you. The one who doesn’t want you
to be sad. Just think about them and move on to be a great person & make parents
happy. Leave the past and Live in present.
4. Don’t try to contact them: Trying to
contact them makes things worse as they will ignore & treat as if they don’t
know you. Instead accept the fact that you’re looking for ways to stop thinking
of them.
5. Think Negative about them: Think as the person wasn’t perfect for
you and was not the kind you imagined. Recall all there flaws. Do meditation,
make yourself positive and make them negative.
6. Kill Depression: Do
Meditation, Aware yourself about what thoughts running over your mind. And Kill
the one which is useless. Develop with useful one. Watch comedy movies, or
funny videos on YouTube. Try doing new exercises. [[ Benefits of Aerobics Exercisein Hindi]]
7. Don’t be Idle: Empty mind, Devils Workshop. Have heard this
before? In this case, it will be the
workshop of the one you’re thinking about. Don’t stupid by giving space in your
mind. So make yourself busy in developing/doing something and stop thinking about
that person.
8. Avoid sad/romantic movies: Avoid sad movies/songs. This will make you
emotional and the sadist guy who loves torturing yourself. Ignore songs which
were your playlist at that moment. Instead watch comedy movies or go out with
friends for a fun movie.
9. Don’t tell about them to your friend’s
: It may feel like telling the past
to someone will reduces the pain but the fact of the matter is it will become
more dark and more heavier. Don’t make a gossip about yourself.
10. Remember you can face it and move on: Remember you may have seen worse time in your
life, it didn’t last for long. You were happy before you meet that person and
now still without them you can be happy.
You shouldn’t stop thinking about that someone. I mean you should start
thinking about yourself, Rather than wasting time on someone who is no more in
our life.
“Life is beautiful, with or without that person”.
Move one as if you never meet that
person in your life. “Be Happy”.
The way was good. I love it